
The main products are: phosphoric acid, sartan biphenyl, sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium six phosphate,


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Magical sodium gluconate for reducing cement content

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Sodium gluconate is generally used alone, but it can also be used in combination with other retarders such as carbohydrate phosphates. Sodium gluconate is a crystalline powder. It is produced under properly regulated and controlled conditions. This compound is chemically pure and non corrosive. Quality is constant. This feature ensures reliable and repetitive results in application. Sodium gluconate as a water reducing agent can reduce the water to cement ratio (W/C) by adding a water reducing agent.

The water content remains unchanged while the water content decreases, and the W/C ratio remains unchanged. At this point, sodium gluconate serves as a cement reducing agent. In general, the following two aspects are important for the performance of concrete: shrinkage and heat production. Sodium gluconate, as a retarder, can significantly delay the initial and final setting time of concrete. When the dosage is below 0.15%, the logarithm of the initial solidification time is directly proportional to the dosage, that is, the dosage is doubled. The initial solidification time is delayed to 10 times, which extends the working time from a few hours to a few days without compromising strength. Especially on hot days and when it needs to be left for a long time, this is an important advantage.

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